Quickmart Limited is committed to always providing a high standard of health and safety within its premises with a view of making the company an excellent working place. The directors are committed to this policy and require that all employees at all levels play their part in minimizing any adverse health and safety impacts the company's activities, services, and products
We will therefore do, all that is reasonably practicable to prevent personal injury, and damage to property and to protect everyone from foreseeable hazards including our customers
Quickmart Limited undertakes to:
a) Prevent all occupational injuries to personnel and consult with employees regarding health and safety.
b) Bring the health and safety policy statement to the attention of all employees
c) Closely monitor all health and safety plans to ensure ongoing effectiveness.
d) Ensure that all employees work safely with a good knowledge of all potential hazards and avoidance thereof.
e) Provide appropriate health and safety training to employees.
It is the duty of all employees to:
a) Act responsibly in order to prevent all occupational injuries to themselves, and their colleagues and our customers.
b) Report incidents that may lead to or that have led to personal injury or property damage.
c) Responsibly use the personal protective equipment (PPE) provided.
Quickmart employees at all levels are required to address the health and safety concerns and ensure that
this policy is implemented.