At Quickmart Limited, concern for environment is central to our business and we strive to avoid or minimize potential adverse environmental impacts of our activities and operations.
In seeking to reduce the environmental impacts of our activities and operations, Quickmart Limited therefore commits to:
a) Comply with the relevant national legislation and align with Good International Industry Practices (GIIP), including the IFC Environmental and Social Performance Standards.
b) Regularly monitor environmental performance across all stores.
c) Ensure systems are in place to identify, assess, manage, and control all environmental impacts.
d) Monitor our use of energy and water resources, managing our consumption efficiently and sustainably.
e) Reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions created by our activities, with particular focus on our logistics and store operations.
This environmental policy applies to all Quickmart Limited employees at all levels. All employees therefore have a responsibility to understand, promote, and actively assist in the implementation of this environmental policy.